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If you have not already clicked the links in the middle of this page for more keratometry information we invite you to do so now. You will find them most valuable and the keratometry sources guarantee your satisfaction.
Just in the event that the sites in the middle of this page are not exactly what you want, then please scroll down the keratometry links on the left side of the page and we are absolutely certain you will have every keratometry question answered.
Indexing is simply the work the Search Engine Robots do to give you information on keratometry. How does an indexing robot decide what to index? Well they just send their Bots or Spiders to crawl the web looking for keratometry on web sites.
If an indexing robot finds a document that contains keratometry, it may decide to parse it, and insert it into its database. How this is done depends on the robot. Some robots index the HTML Titles that contain keratometry and keep them in their database. Others will look for keratometry in the first few paragraphs, or parse the entire HTML and index all words.
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